View Full Version : America Works With Radical Islamic Terror Groups.

04-05-2007, 09:41 PM
You'd think we'd learn our lesson after we equipped Al Quaeda and Bin Laden in the 80's to do our dirty work and fight off the Soviets right? It's the 80's all over again by the way shit seems... check this out, NOW we're working hand in hand with a terror group from the Balauchistan province of Pakistan known as "JUNDULLAH" ..... JUNDALLAH.. now let's take a look at who they really are ...

Jundullah (Army of God) is a militant Islamic organization that is based in Waziristan, Pakistan and affiliated with Al-Qaeda. It is a part of the Baloch insurgency in Pakistan and in Iran's Sistan and Baluchistan Province. The goal of the group is to form an independent and united Baluchistan under a hardline Sunni Islamist government similar to the Taliban regime in Afghanistan.[1] Though Baloch-dominated, the group claims to represent all Sunnis in Iran, regardless of ethnicity.[2] Iran and Pakistan have designated it a terrorist organization and banned it.

Jundallah says it has 1,000 fighters and has killed 400 Iranian soldiers.[3]

Now this is on the record.. we've been AFFILIATED with this group since 2005. They did a Nightline special on this just a couple of days ago.. check out the abc website they got the whole story on it.

The Blotter (http://blogs.abcnews.com/theblotter/2007/04/abc_news_exclus.html)

Now my question is, if it's a war on terror, WHY are we encouraging TERRORISTS to attack Iranian soldiers? WHY are we in bed with these motherfuckers .. don't we remember how we put our trust in Al Quaeda back in the 80's..just to suffer the consequences NOW in the form of 9/11 ? WHY ARE WE WORKING WITH MILITANT ISLAMIC TERROR GROUPS???

This isn't even a CONSPIRACY THEORY, it's a fact. So much for the "WAR ON TERROR" when we're encouraging Islamic TERROR GROUPS to carry out TERROR ATTACKS. We're getting terror groups to do our dirty work against Iranian soldiers. This shit's TERROR VS TERROR. How the fuck is this a WAR ON TERROR when we aren't stopping them, but ENCOURAGING them???

..and to think, ontop of all this bullshit BUSH is warning us about another "9/11".. when our own government is in BED with the "ENEMY". This shit all seems so staged that it's ridiculous..and God forbid if someone says this government carried out 9/11..but when we find out the government is IN BED with terrorists they don't say shit...