View Full Version : Gossiping!

03-26-2007, 05:15 AM
So... do you like to do it? Dont you like, but cant avoid? Dislike? Have a friend who does it all the time? Have some history about this? Come on! Share with us, cause, well... who dont like a little gossip? ;)

Well... i will start. My mom, and all my aunts are 1st rate gossipers... they know about the life of everybody, alive or dead, and have the insidious pleasure to tell anybody willing (or not so) to hear it.
I have some histories about this, but wont tell here, or i will be gossiping too... :p

03-26-2007, 12:57 PM
haha I get all my gossiping outta my system right here on canncom! psssst... wanna hear a secret?
edit: it just occurred to me... why is this a 'womens issue'?

03-26-2007, 06:44 PM
edit: it just occurred to me... why is this a 'womens issue'?

Thats a good question... :p

Mrs. Greenjeans
03-26-2007, 06:45 PM
No doubt. Men might as well be at a quilting bee, the way they gossip.

03-26-2007, 07:05 PM
everybody gossips, its a fact of life, men do it just as much if not more than women.

the only thing that differs, is what they gossip about.

03-26-2007, 07:07 PM
*ppsssst* Bill down the street got his whole tranny ripped apart and got so druuunk he lost a piece and had to have his truck towed to the dealership, hahahaha what a moron!

Uh huh. Heard THAT one before!

03-26-2007, 09:01 PM
I dont really gossip, if I say something bad about you, that means that you simply werent there to hear it, Ill say anything to your face

03-26-2007, 09:09 PM
I love listening to gossip. Its like watching a soap opera which I love to do. Im not to bad for spreading gossip but I will listen anytime.

Mrs. Greenjeans
03-26-2007, 09:11 PM
I love listening to gossip. Its like watching a soap opera which I love to do. Im not to bad for spreading gossip but I will listen anytime.
^yup. I like being the keeper of odd knowledge.


Pipe Dreams
03-26-2007, 11:27 PM
I dont really gossip, if I say something bad about you, that means that you simply werent there to hear it, Ill say anything to your face


I aint afraid of no bitches

03-26-2007, 11:34 PM
I love to hear it too. I try not to spread it though (I dont always try as hard as I should).

03-28-2007, 12:59 AM
i used to gossip all the time. i hung out with a group of um..let's say...bitches....lol and that's all we did. we were on that mean girls shit. but i stopped b/c that's not the kind of person i wanted to be. i can't stand girls that will talk shit but smile in your face. people who talk about their "friends" are the scum of the earth to me. but i still gossip about trivial things and people i don't care about - everyone does that.

03-28-2007, 01:21 AM
I have tons of girl acquaintances, but only one girl best friend. While I listen to the other girl's gossip, me and my best friend hardly gossip, 'cause we're around guys the entire time and none of them wanna hear it lol BUT if you get me goin' it gets juicy :) I'm like sam tho, I'll say ANYTHING I think about you, to your face (which actually got me in biggg trouble once).

03-28-2007, 01:35 AM
I have tons of girl acquaintances, but only one girl best friend. While I listen to the other girl's gossip, me and my best friend hardly gossip, 'cause we're around guys the entire time and none of them wanna hear it lol BUT if you get me goin' it gets juicy :) I'm like sam tho, I'll say ANYTHING I think about you, to your face (which actually got me in biggg trouble once).

:S2: same here, but I got to use some AWESOME comebacks I had in waiting, I also got to use my "im gonna kick your ass" face too:jointsmile:

03-28-2007, 01:39 AM
hmmm i like celeb gossip alot and if something crazy happens down the street ill laugh at it and tell John....but im not completely crazy about it.

03-28-2007, 02:54 AM
The men I know gossip about other people they know getting taken advantage of in car or real estate or business deals, for the most part, but they also gossip if they've heard something on the female grapevine about extra-marital dalliances. I suspect they gossip about women when they're out of our earshot.

We women, on the other hand, don't tend to limit ourselves to just those few categories. We talk about anything and everything we can think of.

I recently learned a painful lesson about this subject. Was going along with someone who initiated a topic in which he was running someone else down. I played along and wrote some hurtful words that I didn't mean. Unfortunately, the person who got mutually run down was someone I love and care about deeply, far more than I even realized at the time. And that person was worth about a hundred times more than the person who initiated the run-down. Well, serves me right. The person who we ran down found out about it and confronted me and was understandably hurt. I was far more at fault than the person who initiated the run-down, ultimately, because I participated instead of standing up and telling the initiator my true feelings and making clear where my real loyalty stood. This is going to haunt me for the rest of my life because causing pain to someone I love--and to this loved one in particular-- is the last thing I ever want to do. Even now when I think about this, I get teary and still want to knock myself in the head for being so hurtful and stupid. My husband wasn't pleased with this event, either, because he respects the heck out of the friend I ended up hurting.

This person I love who found out about the run-down has found it in his heart to forgive me, reflecting what I've always known, that he's a far better person than I am. But I remain haunted by the possibility that he could just as well have tossed me into the trash and never spoken to me again, which would have been what I deserved.

Sorry for the long story. I hope it'll help everyone everywhere think before ever talking ugly about someone else. Please don't ever ever do that. It's true that the real character of a person comes out when they think no one else is looking, listening, or reading. I see the fact that my friend found out as a good thing, really, because it taught me such a deep lesson and brought my hurtful foolishness out in the open. But oh my, if I could undo the hurt I did, I would. Randy, if you're out there, this is my way yet again of telling you how sorry I am and how very much I love you. Thank you for being a better person than I could ever begin to be. Thank you for still being friends with me because I don't deserve that honor. I'm awfully glad you have bestowed it on me nonetheless.

03-28-2007, 03:26 AM
male gossiping ~ aka bullshittin

03-30-2007, 10:31 PM
i used to gossip all the time. i hung out with a group of um..let's say...bitches....lol and that's all we did. we were on that mean girls shit. but i stopped b/c that's not the kind of person i wanted to be. i can't stand girls that will talk shit but smile in your face. people who talk about their "friends" are the scum of the earth to me. but i still gossip about trivial things and people i don't care about - everyone does that.

im in the exact same situation. last year i had been friends with the same 6 girls for the past four years. and this year i finally ended my relationships with all of them, at frist it was kind of sad loosing those friends but now im happy about it, although i only have 2 good friends ..still lots of aquatninces but not really people i hang out with a lot... id still rather have them than a bunch of people who i dont really like. im ashamed that i used to be friends with the people i was because none of them really like each other. its sad they all have nothing to talk about except negative things about other people to make them feel better about themselves. now im rambling on

people need to be nice and not gossip :hippy: