View Full Version : My first time

03-17-2007, 05:41 PM
First of all im new here. Hi. Hello. I thought my first time was pretty interesting so I'm going to share it. I was supposed to see a movie that night (Borat, I do believe) but my friends arent very good at setting a time which doesn't work if you need to hitch rides from other people. Anyhoo we went to the debate club meeting and by the end of it they had pushed it forward two and a half hours. Deciding the night wasn't totally ruined, I began to talk to some girls I had met during musical rehearsal. They decided that I needed to be high. We pulled up at their "dealers" house, which was funny because he had a very large part in the play we were doing. We got 25 dollars worth and decided that his boatdock would be the best place to do it. By now I'm more than a little nervous, because my mom regularly smokes pot after chemotherapy and she knows, she just knows. Anyhoo We light up around 9:30 and about 4 hits into the whole thing, I'm not feeling anything. Except the dry mouth. It was horrid. All we had was the ice at the bottom of the taco bell cup. I take the last puff, Hold it in till I can't anymore, Exhale, Then it hits me like a wall. It was like I was playing a video game of my life. Not because everyone looked cartoony, but because it was like i was controlling my body from an outside place. I realize im standing up. Then I realize im walking on the stone wall that keeps my friends property from sliding into the lake. I fall onto the grassy side only to realize a bit too late that i landed in a burr patch. I was so amazed by these burrs and how i couldn't feel them that i just kept moving my fingers over the palm of my hand. Then I started freaking out. They have a cell phone recording of me saying "Hospital" over and over again. Funny now scary then I suppose. So I momentarily regain control, and I call my mom. I tell her im staying the night with alex.(A friend of mine. He's a nun though.) I end up on this girl I don't even knows couch watching the life of brian and eating a ridiculously large piece of pizza which felt wierd in my mouth. Like I had nerve endings in the Pizza and not my teeth. I passed out under a pile of laundry I had pulled over myself on the couch. I had rehearsal that morning, but i had no clothes to change into. Everyone knew, because some can't keep their mouths shut

03-17-2007, 05:46 PM
haha good to hear you enjoyed yourself and got high the first time. welcome to the boarda:thumbsup:

03-17-2007, 06:22 PM
lol kool

03-17-2007, 06:29 PM
I want some of what he's doing.....

Specialty Cakes
03-17-2007, 06:46 PM
hell yeah man, I'm baked but I aint THAT baked :jointsmile: I'd like some of that... unless it took an entire 8th of it to get you high your first time, I'd rather not

horror business
03-23-2007, 03:12 AM
I enjoyed reading your first time experience. Mine was similiar, in that I felt that I was controlling myself from somewhere I didn't know. I also felt like a person inside of a person, like I was inside of myself, and was watching what was happening, it freaked me out, but now I'd love to have a high like that again.

First time highs are awesome.

horror business
03-23-2007, 04:29 AM
Before I got high for my first time, I thought all marijuana did, was make things seem funny, and make you hungry. So, I kept smoking, waiting to burst into uncontrollable laughter. Something happened that was more funny than normal, but i didn't laugh uncontrollably. The right side of my brain started to feel warm and tingly, but I stlil wasn't high yet, so I suggested we wakl back to my house which is in a subdivision. Behind the subdivision was woods. It was a summer day, no clouds in the sky, and the grass was green, sky blue, etc... a beautiful day in mid-july.

As soon as we stepped out of the woods, into the sunlight, it hit me instantly. I didn't know what the hell happened. I asked them if it was laced, because I didn't expect marijuana to be like that. I started freaking out, because I was trying to explain to my friends what was happening, and I was freaking out, but they didn/t seem to care, they kept on joking around with each other, and it was pissing me off.

03-24-2007, 01:30 PM
sounds like an awesome first time. next time you toke come back and tell us how it was. keep like a journal type thing.

05-22-2007, 03:46 AM
I didn't get high my first time. And I even smoked a little more than half a gram in a bong.

05-22-2007, 07:04 PM
men cant be nuns buddy. lol

05-23-2007, 12:51 AM
A great story! Sounds cool. :P

05-23-2007, 01:08 AM
Haha my first time was awesomei had almost a full gram 2 my self the first time and i didnt stop tokin till it was all done cuz i wasnt feeling anything so i was like wtf is the big deal bout this stuff so then about 5 mintues later im ridin on my friends bike and im still not feelin it so i just said oh well maybe next time untill this one time i blink and when i open my eyes everything looks kinda greyer so i was like wtf!!!then later im just down the street when i start to feel some tingling in my feet and it felt kinda cool but its when it started climbin up my leg and body that i kinda scared me but when it reached my head everytime i would go into a trance for like 5 mintues then i would come out of it and have no idea where i was but i was wit friends so i didnt really care but when we were walkin down the street some kid from my skewl stops us and i guess he figured we were high so he starts searching my friends bag but completly ignores the can we were smokin out of befor so that made me laugh

well that was my first experince and i would give anythin for that kinda high again but no matter how much i smoked or how long i didnt smoke befor i did again i can never get it bak

dude why did ur friend let that fagget search his bag??