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  2. tobacco
  3. sour diesel
  4. Guide to cleaning glass pipes
  5. homemade stsh boxes (pictures)
  6. My Blunt Vision
  7. chronic price and soda cans
  8. worst situation ever (not really) but plz help!
  9. PURPLE HAZE strain
  10. Where do you smoke?
  11. kush, haze, sensimilla, strain names etc..wtf
  12. Twitching
  13. super retarded
  14. Doctor G: smokin' with my son
  15. kif collecter
  16. easy zig-zags
  17. Decision between haze and hash...
  18. gravity bong !
  19. what do you use to scrap kief
  20. *CRY*
  21. raspberry haze
  22. ill trade you seeds for clones lowryder and ak 48
  23. With-drawel
  24. Marijuana Second Hand Smoke (idea)
  25. I just got this idea and i dont know if it changes anything
  26. Worlds Oldest Marijuana PLant
  27. glowing bong...will this work?
  28. Interesting Approaches to Having Fun with Marijuana!!....
  29. Is most of the THC gone after the 1st hit?
  30. where the fuck can i buy a bowl?
  31. Having trouble pressing hash
  32. Who set the standards for pot prices?
  33. w3rd
  34. Beezle
  35. roor bong
  36. Smoking again for the first time in like 3 months next week:)
  37. How LONG can YOU make it last
  38. What???
  39. Explain exactly wat a hit is!!!
  40. Smoking on an empty stomach
  41. What happens to the resin when smoking a joint?
  42. who?
  43. curing and preserving?
  44. I need a vapo
  45. any body know?
  46. Stangles New pipe
  47. Why do red eyes occur?
  48. Electric Pipe?
  49. Which strains and coffe shops should I try in Amsterdam?
  50. Stupid question, "skunk" weed good or bad?
  51. Hoding it in
  52. North Carolina
  53. my new ounce
  54. Thinkin about gettin this piece
  55. just curious
  56. Screens in glass
  57. differince between crip mids and crip?
  58. Complete Newbie...need help
  59. Self Lighting Pipe. Possible?
  60. help a newbie please...
  61. Weed that doesnt taste right
  62. stems
  63. Smells so good...
  64. Big Bud Diesel
  65. How to tell if hash is good.
  66. honey coated blunt?
  67. honey coated joint?
  68. Im sure I sound retarded, but whats Hash?
  69. So...I just scraped out some old pipes & caught a buzzzzzzz
  70. Post Pics Of The Best Weed You Have Ever Had
  71. Piff???...Poppey???...
  72. sativa, indica, or hybrid?
  73. Bud smokin montage!
  74. Will This Work?
  75. Gasmask question
  76. you CAN smoke stems!
  77. omg everybody look....good idea for a, under $10, electric pipe
  78. Differince in looks between regular Krypt and fire Krypt
  79. Old Fashion Doob roll event
  80. Variation of hot knives technique . . .
  81. is this enough?
  82. Stashing in guitar?
  83. Whats the difference????
  84. MORE HOTKNIFING.......................
  86. psychedelic highs
  87. ph(x) worth it?
  88. yoi just smoked a purple kush joint
  89. my new toy!!!
  90. How to stop coughing
  91. controling the smell
  92. Afghan Herb
  93. need help quick
  94. Hand bong
  95. Vapor Pro Vaporizers
  96. Corncob pipes.
  97. toke alone?
  98. Stash Guide
  99. Quick and easy?
  100. I feel like im not doing it right
  101. Favorite brand of papers?
  102. I dont have anymore papers...
  103. Get the red out
  104. Parent help.. sorry if wrong place
  105. My Awesome Smirnoff Bong!! *Pics Included*
  106. What Pipe?
  107. SITES
  108. got pics of my piece
  109. Small Zongs?
  110. it doesn't smell like weed?..
  111. Why i hate waterfall bongs!!!
  112. Huge joint
  113. how often do you smoke or how often are u stoned..
  114. Who's going to Bonnaroo 2006?
  115. Save 50% of your weed for free!
  116. Quick Question:Mix buds
  117. How to Roll?
  118. fabric softener
  119. Light Bulb Vape
  120. New bong...how to use it?
  121. Butane lighters?
  122. hold it in'
  123. Cotton mouth
  124. My Friend *PICS*
  125. """"THC"""""
  126. Homemade Bottle Booooonnnngg
  127. The Grenade(handmade ceramic bubbler)
  128. Bifta
  130. cant smoke inside check this out
  131. do you like to draw when high?
  132. HEY HELP YA
  133. posting pics
  134. gravity bong idea.
  135. microwaving blunts?
  136. pics of my bong
  137. Pics of some sick AK
  138. go stop?
  139. fgdfgdfg
  140. Stoner pizza call.
  141. Blue Flame(homemade bong)
  142. How do you do a french inhale?
  143. to reset you tolerance to newbie level...
  144. cheebashop.com?
  145. Blunt help
  146. Chronic?
  147. someone vote real quick
  148. Hasnt anyone ever heard of nose guns ?
  149. Any Ideas???
  150. Redbridge
  151. weird weed
  153. Stress
  154. My weed tastes different
  155. Whats the longest you have managaged being without drugs and drink for?
  156. It looks like schwagg but holy shit
  157. UK Smokers Please Help :- How much is a 30 Bag?
  158. My bowl broke last night.
  159. Vaporizer!
  160. LIGHTERSS!!!!!!!!!
  161. Electric Pipe
  162. Spliff.. or Bong?
  163. Party!
  164. Pippe help!
  165. Vaporizer part 2
  166. So you are a joint rolling master eh?
  167. 2,000 DOLLARS WORTH OF WEED!!!!!
  168. Debit Card Q
  169. Drug Test
  170. what kind of weed is this?...
  171. Tap water or bottled water?
  172. Bubbler Question.
  173. Making hash
  174. BAMBU?
  175. Ughh
  176. Afgani
  177. Measuring weed by EYE
  178. HELP! weed smell is too strong!!
  179. Bong Water Q
  180. Vapir Cordless Vaporizer
  181. pill identification
  182. Check out my new bong i made in 10 mins...i love her
  183. Pipe help pt 2! quick!!
  184. my first wood pipe
  185. temp on vapo
  186. bong help...
  187. awful, horrible situation to be in...long read...
  188. The First and hopefully Official Bong vs Vapor Vs Eating Vs Drinking Debate
  189. Volcano Vaporizer...worth it?
  190. foolproof travel method--tip
  191. has anyone ever jammed a mesh screen at the bottom end of a bong stem to make more...
  192. to all cannabis posters
  193. how many hits?
  194. Mystery Shed
  195. Hash Oil...how to smoke it?
  196. my new peice
  197. Does the amount of seeds affect quality?
  198. Grape Blunt Wraps
  199. New poster, just some advice.
  200. where can i get replacement parts for my bong
  201. "HIGHTIMES" slams resin smoking
  202. good bud
  203. who smokes cigs right after a session?
  204. Cant taste flavoured blunts??. well Royal Blunts EZ
  205. Tolerance
  206. A poll question: Vaporization temp.
  207. Weed Smell a problem??
  208. Bong
  209. help
  210. Cheech and Chong
  211. Screen
  212. high quality glassware
  213. Help need solution for crack in pipe.
  214. Milk for Bong water would it work?
  215. How tight should i poke down?
  216. Boozin' and Weed
  217. Hugegrins Portable Vaporizer
  219. Would this be okay?
  220. How good are those attachable pipe vaporizers?
  221. this is my story
  222. Name That Strain
  223. how to identify strains?
  224. Which Type Of Bong?
  225. Pipe question/suggestions...help...please
  226. Questions???
  227. He's gone...
  228. weed then alcohol or.....
  229. one hitters with a bong in the room
  230. First expierence
  231. Quick get rid of the smell!!!!!!!
  232. Grinding Dro
  233. Odorless weed
  234. buying a bowl or pipe? suggestions plz
  235. bong mechanics
  236. cleaning bongs
  237. Good Movies For When Your High
  238. Pipe or Bong!!!
  239. Ditch Weed?
  240. JOINTS
  241. chewing tobacco
  242. Tolerence after a month?
  243. I wonder...
  244. Official Weed Smokers Neccesities(SP)*PICS*
  245. How long will it smell?
  247. I have a ? On the joint machine...
  248. Best ways to smoke dead screens?
  249. How many times do people go to school stoned?
  250. how'd it all start